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Consider publishing packages snapshots to support distroless images


I'm trying to bring riscv64 architecture support to Kubernetes.
One of dependencies is etcd, which is using distroless images that do not currently support riscv64.

While trying to add riscv64 support for distroless, I've encountered following error:

..URL: https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20230314T211539Z/dists/bullseye/main/binary-riscv64/Packages.xz, Status: 404 NOT FOUND

Looks like there is no riscv64 equivalent for "https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20230314T211539Z/dists/bullseye/main/binary-arm64/Packages.xz".

Can someone guide me where to find this?
If there is no equivalent, can one consider implementing that kind of snapshotting, or riscv64 should become an official port first?

I'm completely new to debian packaging, sorry for my stupid questions.


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