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Re: (Debian) LibreOffice and riscv64 and tests


It does. Actually I consider those more important than the cpp ones because it tests actual UI actions compared to specific limits/coordinates/dimensions/... at times. It also includes the junit tests although I might discuss about them since Java is involved. But for the UI tests it's python and there's other stuff in LO using python, too, so...

I see the importance of ui test. Though all of the ui test failed, almost all of them failed when closing the application window. Maybe there is only one major problem for ui test.

But that cause surely does not have an impact on other tests not calc or number-related?

I did not notice similar function call which related to Nan-payload in other failed cpp unit tests. Though GetErrCode() doesn't works on riscv64, Calc returns the right function error code in the user interface. I haven't figured out why.



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