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Re: Ogon packaging for Debian (was: Re: Bug#906072: Ogon packages available (Linux RDP Server))

Hi Marcel,

On  Sa 30 Mai 2020 21:25:16 CEST, Mike Gabriel wrote:

Hi Marcel,

On  Sa 30 Mai 2020 19:14:14 CEST, marcel wrote:

Hi Mike,

sorry I've been quite busy the last weeks.

I'd like to get some things done this weekend, however after reading the sites you sent I still have no idea where to start (too much different options there and to little about what they to and what happens behind the scenes - at least for my taste).

From my experience with other build systems I guess it need's a maximum of 5 (more or less simple) commands to get the existing debian/ directory to salsa.

So it'd speed up things a lot if you could provide me with (a pointer to) the very basic steps to get started.


let's assume you have a non-gitified debian/ folder (and only that one). E.g. for src:pkg ogon

Putting that to salsa goes like this:

  cd <path-to>/ogon

In fact, I do:

  cd <development-for-debian>/
  mkdir -p pkg-remote/ogon.pkg/ogon
  cd pkg-remote/ogon.pkg/ogon/

and then...

  git init
  git add debian/
  git commit debian/ -m "Initial packaging draft"
  git remote add origin git@salsa.debian.org:debian-remote-team/ogon.git
  git push origin master:master

Next you need a debian/watch file that pulls in upstream sources correctly. Read the uscan man page for getting a hang of debian/watch. Or look around in various other packages (e.g. freerdp2).

sorry, I had to attend some family business suddenly last night, so here is more...

From the ogon upstream Git repos it looks like we should package their Git master branch's HEADs. Or, alternatively, request releases of all components, if appropriate.

In the past I used this for creating orig tarballs from Git snapshots:

However, I could not find a howto that explains how that can be done with uscan and debian/copyright (global Files-Excluded: field).

The debian/watch file might look like like this:

opts="mode=git, pgpmode=none" \
https://github.com/ogon-project/ogon \
HEAD debian uupdate

However, this needs more research. You might get an answer to the question "What is the best workflow for packaging upstream Git snapshots using uscan alone (without get-orig-source target)?" on #debian-devel IRC channel.

How did you obtain the orig tarballs for your PPA builds? Did you clone+tar them yourself? Manually? Or do you already have a uscan based orig tarball retrieval set up?

Then, you need a chroot build environment. Your binary builds should always be made on the distro version that you target your uploads to. That is, please look into pbuilder and/or sbuild (I use sbuild, so I can help you with that, if questions pop up, no clue about pbuilder details).

With sbuild, I do this then:

  cd <path-to>/ogon.pkg/ogon
  debuild -uc -us -S -Zxz -d
  cd ..
  sbuild -sAd unstable ogon_<version>.dsc

The sbuild command will set up a chroot, build the package inside of that, and places the .deb packages in the current working directory.

More about sbuild:

Ping me, once you have looked into all of the above.


c\o Technik- und Ökologiezentrum Eckernförde
Mike Gabriel, Marienthaler Str. 17, 24340 Eckernförde
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4351) 850 8940

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mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de

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