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Bug#1051237: transition: move files from / to /usr to finalize /usr-merge


On Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 09:50:11PM +0100, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > I'd now like to coordinate a time of upload. Given that chroots are
> > rebuilt in Wednesday and Sunday, I suggest we pick a Thursday morning
> > for the actual upload. If I unexpectedly break stuff, I still have a few
> > days to fix. How about March 21st?
> If and only if time64_t is done by then. Adding more changes where
> transition has to be coordinated to the ongoing mega transition does not
> help.

Aurelien also said that glibc doesn't really build at this time.
Furthermore, cryptsetup needs to migrate to testing before the upload
and cryptsetup -> openssl -> dpkg is also entangled in time64.

I propose April 11th on the condition that all relevant packages
(including cryptsetup and e2fsprogs) have migrated. I'll also check with
Aurelien on feasibility after Easter.


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