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Bug#1051237: transition: move files from / to /usr to finalize /usr-merge

On Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 09:39:50PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Hi release team and essential maintainers,
> On Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 10:33:54PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> > Once these issues have been resolved, we can move most files except for
> > a small set of essential packages. For those, a coordinated upload
> > moving their files will be needed as will be an upload of base-files
> > adding the aliasing symlinks there.
> We're well into this now. Most of the essential set is moved and I've
> most of the remaining pieces. I hope that within one week, we're left
> with only:
>  - base-files
>  - bash
>  - dash
>  - glibc
>  - util-linux
> Patches for these have been prepared. The current patches are available
> from https://salsa.debian.org/helmutg/bootstrap-usrmerge-demo. These
> changes have been uploaded to Ubuntu noble already and feedback has been
> incorporated. In particular, base-files will now divert to dot files to
> avoid cluttering the / view during the transition and base-files will
> remove unnecessary diversions (those where it ships symlinks).
> I'd now like to coordinate a time of upload. Given that chroots are
> rebuilt in Wednesday and Sunday, I suggest we pick a Thursday morning
> for the actual upload. If I unexpectedly break stuff, I still have a few
> days to fix. How about March 21st?
> Once this has uploaded, we need to ensure that these packages migrate
> together. Also note that dash's autopkgtest will fail unless it uses the
> updated base-files, but it cannot depend on base-files. If you prefer, I
> can mark the relevant test case as flaky and unmark it in a second
> upload. Having a temporary migration block on these packages would also
> be a good idea.
> Once agreed, I shall announce this change to d-d-a as I cannot fully
> rule out it being disruptive despite the extensive testing performed.
> > We probably have to use NMUs to convert remaining packages at this
> > point. Once everything is moved, we may think we're done, but we're not.
> Speaking of the rest of packages. At the time of this writing, the
> numbers are:
>  * 224 source packages can be moved via dh-sequence-movetousr.
>  * 191 source packages have a dep17 usertagged bug report (most with
>    patches).
>  * 141 source packages can be moved with a no-change sourceful upload.
>    This is about Arch:all packages as we already binNMUed the others.
>  * 35 source packages cannot be analyzed, because they FTBFS (reported).
>  * A 1-digit number of packages (e.g. the bootstrap ones above) needs
>    special handling, but this is communicated and monitored.
> I hope that these numbers go down moving forward (especially the patches
> one). At some point, I want to mass-NMU the remaining packages.
> > As packages are restructured throughout the release cycle, they may
> > introduce file loss scenarios. Continued monitoring for problems until
> > trixie is released is crucial.
> The biggest chunk of findings was due to time64. I think the reports are
> timely and actionable. Generally, I hope that we'll run into less
> fallout moving forward as the "big" stuff is being handled. One
> exception here is that time64 has introduced a pile of "risky replaces".
> These are not accounted as buggy in the above numbers but need to be
> addressed before we can mass-NMU. That'll happen once the dust settles
> on time64.
> Any objections so far?
I know my objection is meaningless, and that I will end up dying on this 
hill. But, I do have an objection. It has come to my attention that the 
big idea behind it is due to, "compatability." Look, / is for unice 
universal tools that are found in every unice environment and to service 
boot up. That's its intention. /usr is for distrobution specific 
tooling. You are ALREADY doing all the work of putting everything into 
/usr anyways. I see no reason why the source code of unice universal 
tools should end up in /usr. Please provide a way for a local admin to 
break usr-merge.
> Helmut

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