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[ITM]: Running Britney more often than 2/day

Niels Thykier:
> Hi,
> I have found myself wanting Britney run more often than 2/day.  My
> primary interest is getting the excuses updated more often, so they
> reflect the current status of a package (rather than being up to 12
> hours out of date).
>   It would hopefully also mean that we would see fewer unblock requests
> for things we have already unblocked (by looking at the fixed RC bugs).
> I propose two solutions:
>  * Short term, do 4 runs a day (1/dinstall)
>  * Long term, support "excuses-only" runs and do a run 1/hour.
>    - Only 2-4 of them would actually do the migrations (among other
>      because we need a dinstall to "commit" the changes anyway).
> The short term solution is trivial to implement:
>  * Change Britney's "start of day" from 3 pm to 7pm a la [1] (so aging
>    still occurs for the 22:00 UTC run).
>  * Update our cronjob to run britney 4 times
> The long term solution should be doable (we got some partial patches in
> the BTS for it). However, I presume we want a separate log for
> "non-migrating" run (so we can still trivially find the migration
> attempts).  This may require a bit of fiddling to figure out a good
> solution for that, which is why I would prefer delaying this a bit.
> [...]
> Thanks,
> ~Niels
> [...]

Turns out that the Britney2 side of things were more trivial than
anticipated.  I intend apply attached patches during the weekend and set
this up (1 for britney1, 2 for britney2 and 1 for our crontab).

With the attached patches, the migrationless runs will only write to
stdout.  With second line in the crontab piping output to a separate log
file, we should all be set. :)


Attachment: 0001-britney-Move-britney-s-start-of-day-to-7-pm.patch
Description: application/mbox

Attachment: 0002-Support-doing-migration-less-runs.patch
Description: application/mbox

Attachment: 0001-britney1-Support-a-run-excuses-only.patch
Description: application/mbox

Attachment: 0001-crontab-respighi-Run-Britney-hourly.patch
Description: application/mbox

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