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Bug#768422: release.debian.org: filterdiff support for debdiffs

On Fri, 2014-11-07 at 10:42 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> It would be really helpful, particularly for "d", if the debdiff library 
> supported a configurable (set of?) filterdiff expression.

>From #d-r this evening, so we don't forget:

20:03 < adsb> so fwiw my original plan (which I think I failed to write
down anywhere) was to add the ability to take options in the debdiff
class and have exclusions pass -x to debdiff, rather than an explicit
filterdiff. and for d to then pass a default set of excludes, which you
could add to / override (including to an empty set) on the command line.
but I've also been failing to do that
20:05 < nthykier> adsb: Seems reasonable, except I guess d should do it
based on a personal config file rather than options
20:05 < adsb> nthykier: maybe, that's more to implement though :)
20:05 < nthykier> Based on the assumption that we will not agree on an
"universal" default

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