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Re: Jessie and te kFreeBSD port


even though it seems this mail might not have been ment to go out in public, I 
want to correct two things:

On Sonntag, 9. November 2014, Niels Thykier wrote:
> part of the main release. We would be delighted to see kFreeBSD as a
> simultaneous unofficial release, if that's something you'd be interested
> in pursuing - Debian Edu does something similar, and there is also
> Debian Pure Blends which might be fruitful.

Ähm, Debian Edu Jessie currently 100% lives in Debian, there is no external 
repo in use anymore, we build .isos just containing packages from ftp.d.o only 
and the (or at least my plan) is to release Debian Edu Jessie with+within 
Debian Jessie. Sledge and me will sit down tomorrow to setup Debian Edu .iso 
builds on pettersson.d.o, with the aim of building them just like we build 
desktop flavors today.

And, ähm, Debian Pure Blends by definition are build from within the main 
archive, so thats no option for kfreebsd atm neither.

That said, I see the spirit of what you ment here and I like it!


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