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Re: Inclusion or exclusion of Emacs 24.4 (jessie)

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:23:23PM -0500, Rob Browning wrote:
> I've uploaded emacs24 24.4+1-1 to experimental, and it seems fine on the
> buildds now (at least the ones that have taken it):
>   https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=emacs24&suite=experimental
> And I suspect 24.4 may be easier to support, including the facility of
> upstream help.  For what it's worth, they're quite responsive, and I
> believe are in favor of inclusion.
> But it does represent a large change right up against the freeze
> migration threshold deadline (tomorrow?).
> Thoughts?

The freeze has not happened yet. It could be a large change, but it's
still emacs 24.x, and definitely not emacs 25, so I would go ahead and
upload to unstable.

If any problems arise, they could be fixed during the freeze (because
that's what the freeze is for).

Just my opinion. Thanks.

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