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grib-api 1.12.3-1


I have prepared a new upload of grib-api, version 1.12.3-1. This is the
main bit of the changelog:

  * New upstream version
     - grib_api has an official soname now!

It means that it now builds just a standard libgrib-api0, supported by
upstream, and we'd be done with having the library full version in the

However, I'm kind of late.

Still, I've rebuilt all the reverse build dependencies with it[1], and
they build fine with it. This means that the only transition needed
would just be a round of binNMUs.

It would be nice to have grib_api soname sanity in jessie, but I'm not
uploading it without your informed and enthousiastic consent.

Please let me know. The new package is on master here:

[1] This is the list as far as I understand:
    Maintained by Alastair McKinstry: cdo, emoslib, flexpart, magics++,
                                      metview, pygrib
    Maintained by Youhei SASAKI: ruby-grib


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