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Re: Flightgear for Wheezy


On 01/29/2014 08:49 PM, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Adding the maintainer to CC.

Thanks, very much appreciated.

> While it may have (also) been blocked by #720816, which was fixed
> recently, it is *still* blocked by #724686, which remains unfixed.

> There is a patch for that bug, but it hasn't been uploaded yet despite
> being available since 26th of Sep.  I have been told that it has been
> applied to the repository, so hopefully it just need someone to do an
> upload (and accordingly, the CC of the flightgear maintainers).

Correct. For quite some time, I didn't find motivation for an upload due
to the openscenegraph issue.

However, flightgear release 3.0.0 is due in a couple of days. And the
openscenegraph transition seems to finally happen. That motivated me to
work on sim-/flightgear, again. (And let to the decision to focus on
3.0.0 right away, rather than trying to get 2.12 to migrate to testing).

simgear-3.0.0 is in the NEW queue as of today. I already requested my
sponsor to upload flightgear-3.0.0 as well, but that didn't quite
happen, yet.

(Note that simgear [mips] currently blocks the openscenegraph transition
as well, so an upload of simgear helps the openscenegraph transition).

(I'm not sure why simgear2.4.0 is listed as blocking openscenegraph in
the cruft report. I thought that got removed from testing, already?)

>> The page also says that flightgear is part of two transitions, which can
>> further slow things down.
> Once #724686 is fixed, we need to finish two "local" transitions around
> flightgear.  One being openscenegraph and the other being simgear (the
> latter also maintained by the FlightGear maintainers).
> simgear needs flightgear fixed (#724686) and fgrun (#719402).

Yeah, fgrun worries me a bit as I didn't ever use it nor do any
packaging for it. However, with Rebecca Palmer and Saikrishna Arcot, I
got two great helpers.

> Alternatively, the maintainers of fgrun willing (that would be the
> FlightGear maintainers again), we can ask the FTP masters to decruft
> simgear despite breaking fgrun.  This would make fgrun uninstallable in
> sid, but it is already RC buggy and not in testing, so from the RT PoV,
> we don't mind that as a resolution.

Let me have a look at fgrun, before going that route. I've been focusing
on simgear and flightgear packaging for 3.0.0, first.

> This leaves the openscenegraph transition.  This is currently waiting
> for choreonoid [mipsel], fgrun (but see above), flightgear [kfreebsd-*
> mips], libcitygml, openwalnut and simgear.  Note, the listed packages
> are source packages; the actual problem is one (or more) of the binary
> packages built from said sources.  Some of these will probably just need
> a binNMU to finish.

I'm missing ossim from that list. Hm.. it disappeared from the cruft
report (compared to something a couple of days ago.)

According to the openscenegraph maintainer, that package has been the
biggest stumbling block for the osg transition. Others can be binNMUed
or resolved easily. See #729289 and [1], though.

>> So I guess eventually things will work out, just be patient for a little
>> while.

Eventually, yes.

> This situation will not resolve itself on its own.  It needs a "Do'er"
> to get the mess cleaned up

Agreed. I'm working on it.

> - I suspect that mostly that someone just
> needs to prod people into doing their part and then filing a binNMU
> request for the subset of the packages above that can be binNMU'ed
> (which excludes packages that are "horribly" broken, e.g. FTBFS).
>   These transitions are currently not handled by the release team.
> Openscenegraph was considered but the request was closed (see #729289).
>  I suppose we ought to reopen it, since the transition is certainly not
> done.

Yeah, that aspect confused me as well. (Or rather the fact that osg
isn't listed on the transition tracker. Plus that PTS doesn't list the
ongoing transition for simgear. I guess that's all interrelated.).

> If you (maintainer or otherwise) are interested in getting the situation
> resolved, but unsure how to approach it, I don't mind spending an hour
> or two showing you the ropes.

I'm interested and working on it. My confusion around transitions has
mostly been resolved, already.

>   "But I will only show you the door"[1].

I already took the red pill. [2]

> As a member of the Release
> Team, I want to know there is someone taking responsibility for making
> flightgear remain RC bug free, so it is not removed from testing again
> due to inactivity.

I'll try to keep it RC free - subject to the usual spacetime constraints
of spare-time activities.


Markus Wanner

[1]: my request for review of an update to the ossim package:

[2]: ...or am I in the wrong movie, now?

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