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Re: migration of libgeotiff-dfsg and liblas

On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 20:26 +0100, peter green wrote:
> I noticed libgeotiff-dfsg was not migrating to testing and discovered 
> that the reason was that liblas needed updating to also use 
> libtiff5-alt-dev. I prepared such an update and when I got no maintainer 
> response I NMUd it. That NMU has now reached migration age but it 
> doesn't seem to be getting migrated for some reason.
> Can someone take a look at what is going on and either hint britney so 
> that it migrates both source packages (they need to go in together) or 
> tell me what else needs to be done in unstable.

I've added a hint for tonight's run; let's see how that goes. (They
won't have been autohinted together as the dependency is unversioned and
so satisfied by the versions of each package in testing.)



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