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Re: rancid beeing blocked, why?

On 14.05.2012 13:04, Roland Rosenfeld wrote:
> According to http://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=rancid my rancid
> package is blocked:
> "Not touching package due to block request by adsb (contact
> debian-release if update is needed)" 
> I don't have an idea, why the package was blocked.  I think it should
> go into wheezy since it doesn't have any release critical bugs but
> improves the package over the former version.

There is:

# 20120423
# s390x ood keeps old arch:all packages around and makes the
# britney import fail
# (rancid/s390x needs inetutils-ping, which needs shishi, which FTBFS
#  - #670316)
block rancid

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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