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Upload of xcb-util* libraries


Some xcb-util* libraries have  been released (mainly maintenance fixes),
so  here are  a few  things  I would  like to  discuss before  uploading

- xcb-util:

  The SONAME was bumped so this  would require a library transition, but
  considering that the freeze should happen  soon and this is library is
  used  by  libstartup-notification0  used  in  turn  by  evolution  and
  xulrunner  where a  library  transition is  already  ongoing, this  is
  probably not possible to upload it.

- xcb-util-wm:

  EWMH library SONAME was bumped. However,  this package is only used by
  unagi  which I  maintain, so  I can  take care  of that  and also  add
  MultiArch support.

- xcb-util-image:

  There has been no SONAME bump so I guess this package could perhaps be
  uploaded with MultiArch support.

- xcb-util-keysyms:

  Same as xcb-util-image.

Arnaud Fontaine

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