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Bug#649173: pu: package nss-pam-ldapd/0.7.16

On Wed, 2012-01-18 at 13:42 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> If the two further changes included in the debdiff from 
> <1324994307.2556.15.camel@sorbet.thuis.net> are resovled in unstable (if 
> appropriate) then I'd be happy to look at including those in a stable 
> update.  I have to admit that, like Julien, I would prefer an update 
> that only includes the changes relevant to the bug fixes; I appreciate 
> this means a little more maintenance burden when you're dealing with a 
> native package.

To be clear, there are three changes up for consideration:

(1) is #645599 which is essentially:
(2) is a problem with not-initialised variables which is:
(3) is a typo in error handling code:

All three fixes were also made in 0.8.5 that are in both unstable and
testing (though the fix for (1) in 0.8.5 was a little more intrusive:

I also have a few more fixes that I would also like to fix in a 0.7
version. One of which is the range checking stuff in my second mail to
the bug report and a few more that are contributed by Jakub Hrozek of
Redhat (those patches are used at Redhat). Some of these changes are
more intrusive. Not all of these are in a released 0.8 version yet.

Which of the above fixes are OK for a stable update?

This leaves the question of what version number to use. I could upload a
0.7.16 which would also include updates to the version number in the
code and manual pages (like in the previous debdiffs) or a 
0.7.15+squeeze1 version (which would only also change debian/changelog).

Thanks for considering and thanks for reviewing this stuff,

-- arthur - adejong@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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