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Re: Permission to upload php-image-text_0.6.0beta-3 to SID

On 10/12/2010 06:15, Thomas Goirand wrote:

I made very few modifications to the package that are already in
git.d.o, the most important being the typo in the description. It's
not a RC bug per say, but it would be nice to have such a small fix in,
and I don't think it has any potential issue (it could be considered a
documentation change, right?). Interdiff is attached. Changelog is:

* Sets the correct Vcs-Git / Vcs-Browser. * Now uses Debian PHP
Maintainers <pkg-php-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org>  as maintainer. *
Corrects a typo in short description (#606490). * Doesn't include an
empty /usr/share/php/.registry/.channel.doc.php.net directory anymore.

Let's say it's a documentation update… go ahead.

P.S: I'm still waiting for unblock approval for sbox-dtc. Shall I
write a bug report against the release package?

You'll have to wait.

Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي

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