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User-testing of testing?


I've just installed an up to date testing for an academic friend, and
while things installed and worked really quite well sysadmin-wise, we're
now stuck on such a trivial thing as clicking on a PDF attachment in
thunderbird/icedove does not open the PDF in evince.

While we could say it is an upstream bug and not really a packaging
problem, it's not the kind of thing that would look good on a stable
release. So I was wondering if we shouldn't have a list of user-centered
"stable release goals", such as "open a PDF attachment in icedove",
"open an OpenDocument attachment in icedove", "watch youtube videos",
"copy a file to a USB key", which people trying a fresh testing install
could test.

I guess such a list could be kept in the wiki, with some step-by-step
description of how to do it, which could then double as documentation
once testing is released.

Ideally this should provide a way for users to contribute to QA testing
of the new release, which would be great.

I however do not see an obvious way of collecting feedback for such user
tasks, or for having fights over which user tasks are the most
significant, without having people submit tasks to the release managers
and the release managers deciding which ones are worth making official,
which would be quite a burden to them.

Are there ways to set up such a thing so that it mostly manages itself?



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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