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Re: Binary rebuild of lbdb (#536481)

also sprach Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org> [2010.03.31.1134 +0200]:
> * martin f krafft (madduck@debian.org) [100331 11:09]:
> > Can you please trigger a rebuild of lbdb, due to #536481?
> why does the binnmu fix the problem? was something changed in a
> dependency? The bugreport unfortunatly doesn't say anything.

I don't exactly know, but on the previous build, it seems that
configure decided that libvformat was not available, and thus didn't
compile/install m_vcf. If I recompile now, it just works.

martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
if voting could really change things, it would be illegal.
                                         -- revolution books, new york
spamtraps: madduck.bogus@madduck.net

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