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another SE Linux policy

The spamassassin and Clamav changes are needed for some people who use those 

But the real requirement here is to have the correct labels for device nodes 
created by initrc_t.  It is needed to allow booting in enforcing mode when 
you have a corrupt /etc/fstab file.

 refpolicy (2:0.0.20080702-13) unstable; urgency=high
   * Allow spamd_t to create a Unix domain socket.
   * Allow clamd_t to read files under /usr (for Perl).
     Allow it to connect to amavisd_send_port_t.
     Allow it to talk to itself by unix stream sockets and bind to UDP nodes.
     Closes: #502274
   * Allow logrotate_t to transition to webalizer_t for web log processing.
   * Allow initrc_t to create fixed_disk_device_t nodes under var_run_t,
     for the case where /etc/fstab has an error regarding the root fs.
   * Use the Lenny paths for xm, xend, xenstored, and xenconsoled.
     Add some extra permissions that Xen needs.

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