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Re: Looking for new release assistants

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 09:01:34PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
>         * You must be a Debian developer.


>                                           Please include your name, and
>           Debian username on your application.

  My From: should do, check.

>         * You must have time to kill. You'll need to be able to dedicate
>           a chunk of time each week to this task, and be able to keep
>           up with what's going on on a close to daily basis. Please
>           include on your application what times of the week you expect to
>           be able to spend on this activity, how much Debian stuff you
>           already do, and when you're usually available on IRC.

  I left the KDE team, and mostly spend time on the glibc right now. I
think I can have between half and a full hour of time a day free for RMA

>         * You need to have done QA work before.

  Well, I managed a third of the python policy transition for etch
(around 100 NMUs) and participated in etch BSPs. I still am the last
uploader for something like 50 packages [0].

>         * You need to be able to understand C, /bin/sh scripting, Perl,
>           Python, Debian packaging, policy, the developers reference,
>           and similar things.


>         * You need to be aware that this is a gruntwork position. You
>           won't be deciding release policy, and this isn't an
>           opportunity to advance any existing opinions you may have about
>           how we should go about releasing or maintaining Debian. You'll
>           be given lots of chores, and no authority. The reward for a job
>           well done will generally just be another, probably harder,
>           job. If you don't think you can cope with this, don't apply.

  Okay, looks like glibc packaging then, I can cope :)

> Please contact the release team via debian-release@lists.debian.org or
> me directly by e-mail if you are interested.

  Check, consider this my application.


  [0] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=madcoder@debian.org
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                madcoder@debian.org
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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