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Freeze exception for systemimager 3.6.3dfsg1-3

hey release team,
 systemimager 3.6.3dfsg1-3 was uploaded to unstable yesterday with
Urgency=high. Please allow this release to propagate into etch.

 There are two changes in this release beyond the version in etch.
One fixes a release critical bug (due to toolchain changes, the ia64
build was useless). The other fixes the documentation that describes
how to make changes to the systemimager package, which may be
important in the event of a large dannf-hunting bus.

systemimager (3.6.3dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=high

  * Workaround incompatabilities with the ia64 kernel and the
    default etch toolchain. (Closes: #412453)
  * Update the instructions in README.NMU, which have been simplified
    greatly since the sarge packaging. Remove the deprecated
    mergechanges.py tool it referenced.

dann frazier | HP Open Source and Linux Organization

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