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Re: GNOME packages unblock requests

Le samedi 24 février 2007 à 16:51 -0800, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> > metacity/1:2.14.5-4
> >       * Fixes a long-standing bug that can make the session lock for 2
> >         minutes upon login.
> I don't follow all the consequences of this change, so not unblocked at this
> point.

Usually, metacity registers itself to the session manager with a command
line looking like "metacity --sm-save-file 0123456789.ms". 

When starting it, the session manager waits for it to register with the
session ID it passed it. However, the session ID is contained in the .ms
file. Which means, if the file is not here, not only is the window
information it contains lost, but metacity registers without a session
ID, and gnome-session waits for 120 seconds (this delay is too long, but
that's another issue).

There are regular (I'd say several a year) reports for this bug of the
like. It's hard to tell how many users it affected because they are
often misreporting it in different bugs comments. This one is much more
annoying than these other similar bugs, as it happens before nautilus
and gnome-panel are started, which means the desktop is really unusable
for 120 seconds.

The patch changes metacity to register with a more classic command line,
like "metacity --sm-client-id a012345". The window information is stored
in the a012345.ms file. Which means, if it gets lost, only the
information in it is lost, but not the client ID. The patch doesn't
contain any change in the session management code itself, it is only
changing filenames and command-line argument handling.

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