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Re: Please allow jedstate_0.5.4.transitional.1-1 and jed-extra_2.2.1-1.etch.1

* Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> [2007-02-06 16:39]:

> Reviewing jedstate:

Thanks for that, I am impressed by how thoroughly the release team
scrutinize the changes before allowing pacakges into testing.  Kudos for
release team. I hope etch will be released soon.

I just uploaded version 0.5.4.transitional.1-4 to unstable addressing the
issues below.  Notice that in this version I added the gdbmrecent-purge
script, which can be used in the same way the old /usr/bin/jedstate was
used.  This improves the compatibility of the new package with the old one.

> Why does debian/NEWS contain two entries that contradict each other?  Please
> drop the older one, and integrate any accurate information into the .1-3
> NEWS entry.

I removed all the contradictions and grouped the news into a single entry
(for 0.5.4.transitional.1-4).

> Why is your postinst forcing the removal of
> /etc/jed-init.d/99jedstate_hook.sl?  Was this a conffile in the old
> version, and if so, shouldn't any removal handling check whether it's been
> modified?

I put the following working code in debian/postinst:

        test -f $dir/$hook                                            \
            && echo "$chksum  $dir/$hook" | md5sum -c >/dev/null 2>&1 \
            && rm -f $dir/$hook
        test -d $dir && rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $dir
Where $chksum is the md5sum of the hook file in the 0.5.4-6 version.

Thanks again,


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