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Hinting my packages in :)


there are a few packages of mine where I recommend to hint them into

  * bsdmainutils 6.1.5
    only the maintainer changed, would be nice to have it up2date in

  * cdparanoia 3.10+debian~pre0-4
    only slightly updated kfreebsd patch in order to work together with
    kdemultimedia, does not have any effect on to be released platforms

  * glib1.2 1.2.10-17
    -15 and -17 updates libtool in order to build on kfreebsd, does not
    have any effect on to be released platforms (#261315).
    -16 fixed the nasty underquoting in glib.m4 (#396667).

  * goobox 0.9.93-7
    fixes a RC typo in debian/control (#401450).

  * hostname 2.93
    only the maintainer changed (and some really trivial debian/*
    simplifications), would be nice to have it up2date in etch

  * pyslide 0.4-6
    moved diff.gz upstream modifications into a dpatch, and orphaned the
    package. Would be nice to have it no longer pointing to me in etch.

  * traceroute 1.4a12-21
    only the maintainer changed (and some really trivial debian/*
    simplifications), would be nice to have it up2date in etch

  * linux-modules-contrib-2.6 and linux-modules-nonfree-2.6
    the debian/* parts are identical to linux-modules-extra-2.6,
    building only the binary modules out of module-source packages.
    should be definitely included in etch.

  * dahb-html
    this is a new upstream release of an online-book, should be
    no problem to hint this one in :)

  * kqemu 1.3.0~pre9-3
    adds a missing file required when building the binary-module
    old-style (without m-a, without make-kpkg, #401174).

...and there are a few packages of mine where I suggest to hint them
into testing...

  * dwm 2.6-1 and dwm-tools 4
    upstream has a extremous 'release often' policy, each minor fix
    gets a new upstream version. those fixes are simple, but important
    (e.g. for utf)

  * tinyerp-client and tinyerp-server 4.0-1
    although it is a new major version, not much changed.
    the new upstream release is a bugfix and l10n update mostly,
    and only a few simple feauture additions, which were already present
    in 3.5 (has been some weeks in experimental already).

Note: dwm-*/tinyerp-* were not part of a stable release yet. However,
I'm not expecting any problem with those in any kind, the packaging and
also upstream of both is mature enough. Nevertheless, I would accept if
this is of any additional help for the release-team, that when against
one of these four packages a rc bug but be raised and I couldn't fix it
within a day, the package could be removed of testing/etch. It's more
than worth to have the new releases in, the old ones are only a tiny bit
better than having nothing.

...and there are a few which are strange, where I'd like to ask for help
in getting more information about

  * unionfs 1.4+debian-3
    should have had entered testing since quite a while,
    i don't know why it didn't, there is no bug.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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