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New cnf upload


I'm the maintainer of the libcnf-dev package which is built as a normal .a
file.  The upstream build system does not know how to generate shilbs.  that
package is mainly used to create C libraries that are linked from fortran, and
they are usually shlibs.  dballe builds one such shlib in libdballef2.

Now, working on a development branch of dballe on a 64bit machine I
found out that dballe cannot link with cnf because cnf isn't built with
-fPIC.  The dballe currently in testing gets away with it because I
forgot to link the fortran library with -lcnf, but applications needing
that fortran library would need to add -lcnf.

I've uploaded a new cnf to unstable that builds a .a library with -fPIC
code.  It's a very simple packaging change that just adds -fPIC to the

I'd be grateful if you could have a look and allow the new version
(source package cnf 4.0-2, binary package libcnf-dev 4.0-2) into etch.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>

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