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Re: Pushing gtk+2.0 (2.6.4-2)

Em Ter, 2005-05-10 às 17:34 -0700, Steve Langasek escreveu:
> Oi kov,

Oi Steve =)

> The diff also seems to contain changes not documented in the changelog,
> which look quite intrusive:
> Please explain what's going on with these changes, or (perhaps easier
> anyway) upload a package that reverts them so that the other changes can be
> approved more quickly.

All of the changes you mentioned were not intended and only happened
because of missing or wrong commits on our SVN. My fault, I should have
rechecked the diff's deeper than simply svn diff'ing. 

I'm right now preparing a package upload to revert all of those
non-documented changes. Building right now and uploading in the next 30
minutes, I believe.


kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian:  <http://www.debian.org>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org>

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