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Re: Approval for some packages: fortunes-es, honeyd, nessus and oinkmaster

On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 10:51:00PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña (jfs@computer.org) [050504 10:25]:
> > Since sarge is frozen I would like to ask for approval for the following 
> > packages, they are "leaf" packages (nobody should depend on them):
> > 
> > - oinkmaster (1.2-1): 1.1-1 is not usable since the URLs it points to 
> > download Snort sources are not valid any longer (#305048) (9 days old)
> Hm, seems that are many changes in here, anyone giving the possiblity of
> a new issue? 

Maybe, but it's better to stick with the latest upstream, specially since 
this package has been only introduced in Debian recently and is only being 
used by a small user set.

> Would it be possible to backport the relevant changes and
> upload via testing-proposed-updates?

I don't believe so. The changes between 1.1 and 1.2 are either 
documentation changes or changes in the script 'oinkmaster.pl' itself. 
Backporting the changes to make the configuration file compatible would 
mean effectively backporting the script itself.

> > - nessus, which includes nessus-plugins, libnasl, nessus-core and
> > nessus-libraries. This new upstream release (2.2.4 vs 2.2.3) is a bug-fix
> I hope that the fixes of the previous two releases are still included.

Err, actually the changes to nessus-core didn't. For some reason I missed 
those, they are not critical bugs (one is a documentation fix, the other is 
just a bugging message which is not correct but doesn't impair 
nessus-mkcert-client) but I have fixed them and uploaded a new version. 
Well, let's see how this one makes it, if I don't see any bugfix related to 
it in a week I will ask again for it to be moved into testing.

Thanks for pointing that out



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