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please approve pppoeconf 1.7 for sarge

#include <hallo.h>

Please allow pppoeconf to go into Sarge. It only fixes few gramar things
and has few lines of code to ensure the interface activation (see
below). This is unfortunately needed in Sarge because the alternative
patch in ppp has been removed (IMO w/o good reason but Md likes it that
way) and that ppp version recently slipped into Sarge without prior
noticing of that flaws.


PS: and it disables a dialog call that says nothing important
Index: debian/changelog
--- debian/changelog	(.../1.6)	(Revision 1676)
+++ debian/changelog	(.../1.7)	(Revision 1676)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+pppoeconf (1.7) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * adding automatic activation of the ethernet interface to
+    /etc/network/interfaces (closes: #305941, #306331)
+  * minor gramatic fixes in the German translation, typo fixes by Sven
+    Dreyer <sven.AT.dreyer-net.de> (closes: #306100)
+  * removed a redundant dialog call
+ -- Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org>  Sat, 30 Apr 2005 18:56:22 +0200
 pppoeconf (1.6) unstable; urgency=high
   * replaced -p with -o in the iptables call (stupid typo, closes: #304219)
Index: pppoeconf
--- pppoeconf	(.../1.6)	(Revision 1676)
+++ pppoeconf	(.../1.7)	(Revision 1676)
@@ -78,8 +78,12 @@
 chown root:dip $OPTSFILE
 if ! grep -q "dsl-provider" $INTFILE ; then
-   printf '\niface dsl-provider inet ppp\n     provider dsl-provider\n' >> $INTFILE
+   printf '\niface dsl-provider inet ppp\nprovider dsl-provider\n' >> $INTFILE
+if ! grep -q "line maintained by pppoeconf" $INTFILE ; then
+   sed -i -e 's,provider dsl-provider$,     provider dsl-provider\n# please do not modify the following line\n     pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf\n,' $INTFILE
 umask 177
 # make a secure directory
@@ -218,13 +222,29 @@
       rm -rf "$TMP"
       exit 1;
-   title=$(gettext 'DSL CONNECTION FOUND')
-   text=$(eval_gettext 'I found an Access Concentrator on $iface. Should I setup PPPOE for this connection?')
-   $DIALOG --title "$title" --clear --yesno "$text" 15 60
+#   title=$(gettext 'DSL CONNECTION FOUND')
+#   text=$(eval_gettext 'I found an Access Concentrator on $iface. Should I setup PPPOE for this connection?')
+#   $DIALOG --title "$title" --clear --yesno "$text" 15 60
+#  # STATUS: interface is $iface, we can continue
+  if ! test "$fresh_optsfile" ; then 
+     title=$(gettext 'OKAY TO MODIFY')
+     text=$(eval_gettext 'If you continue with this program, the configuration file $OPTSFILE will be modified. Please make sure that you have a backup copy before saying Yes.
-   if test "$?" = "0"; then
+Continue with configuration?')
+     $DIALOG --title "$title" --clear --yesno "$text" 22 70
+     if test "$?" != "0" ; then
+        rm -rf "$TMP"
+        exit 0
+     fi
+  fi
+#   if test "$?" = "0"; then
       if [ "$kernel_pppoe" ]; then
-        # sanity check first
+         # interface activation code - this sucks here, pppd plugin should do it as needed
+         sed -i -e "s,pre-up /sbin/ifconfig[[:space:]]\+[^[:space:]]\+[[:space:]]\+up.#.line.maintained.by.pppoeconf,pre-up /sbin/ifconfig $ifacenocomma up # line maintained by pppoeconf," $INTFILE
+         # change peers config file, sanity check first
        grep -q "^plugin.*rp-pppoe.so" $OPTSFILE || echo "plugin rp-pppoe.so $iface" >> $OPTSFILE
        # disable the pppoe tunnel command
        if grep -q '^pty' $OPTSFILE ; then
@@ -232,7 +252,7 @@
        # set the interface
-       sed -i -e "s,^plugin.\+rp-pppoe.so[[:space:]]\+[[:alnum:]]*,plugin rp-pppoe.so $ifacenocomma," $OPTSFILE
+       sed -i -e "s,^plugin.\+rp-pppoe.so[[:space:]]\+[^[:space:]]*,plugin rp-pppoe.so $ifacenocomma," $OPTSFILE
        # sanity check first, fix the config file
@@ -250,24 +270,11 @@
     # fix final newline
     test -e /etc/ppp/pap-secrets && ( [ $(tail -1 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets | wc -l) -eq 0 ] || echo >> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets )
     test -e /etc/ppp/chap-secrets && ( [ $(tail -1 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets | wc -l) -eq 0 ] || echo >> /etc/ppp/chap-secrets )
-  else
-    rm -rf "$TMP"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  # STATUS: interface is $iface, we can continue
-  if ! test "$fresh_optsfile" ; then 
-     title=$(gettext 'OKAY TO MODIFY')
-     text=$(eval_gettext 'If you continue with this program, the configuration file $OPTSFILE will be modified. Please make sure that you have a backup copy before saying Yes.
+#  else
+#    rm -rf "$TMP"
+#    exit 1
+#  fi
-Continue with configuration?')
-     $DIALOG --title "$title" --clear --yesno "$text" 22 70
-     if test "$?" != "0" ; then
-        rm -rf "$TMP"
-        exit 0
-     fi
-  fi
   # ask about sane options
   #$DIALOG --title $"POPULAR OPTIONS" --clear --yesno $"Most people using popular dialup providers prefer the options 'noauth' and 'defaultroute' in their configuration and remove the 'nodetach' option. Further, for busy providers the lcp-echo-interval could be increased. Should I check your configuration file and change these settings where neccessary?" 22 70
   title=$(gettext 'POPULAR OPTIONS')

Wer wirklich noch einen 4.x-Browser benutzt, dem kann leider nicht mehr
geholfen werden. Die haben soviele Sicherheitsloecher, da koennten wir per
www.linuxtag.org, Exploit und etwas Scriptmagic einen neuen Browser von
Remote installieren.
                                              // Michael Kleinhenz, lt2k-ml

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