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please consider letting my packages in

I have recently uploaded new versions of two of my packages. They fix
some problems but are not release critical. I seem to have missed the
freeze by a few days so they will not automatically propagate to sarge.

randomize-lines - fixes a problem with reading and writing streams

cvsd - fixes a bug that affects systems with lib64 directories, the
amd64 people will probably be happy to get this in sarge (originally
http://bugs.debian.org/298460) plus some documentation fixes

Again, both bugs are probably not release critical but introducing these
packages in sarge should not produce any problems (the changes are
minor). Both packages are priority optional and have no reverse depends.

Just trying to get my packages in the best shape possible in sarge. Any
chance to let these packages in sarge? (just flame me if this mail is

-- arthur - adejong@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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