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Upload or not?


[please cc: me, I don't read -release]

In postgrey^s logcheck patterns, I have a made a minor mistake (a single 
occasional message which is not ignored as it should be.)

I feel silly doing a new upload for a one character mistake, and wouldn't 
bother normally.  OTOH I'd be annoyed if that small error would be released 
with sarge and haunt me the next 2 years...

Yes, this is essentially a 'how is the release progressing' question - is 
the next release announcement already 'please don't upload anything for 
sarge anymore', or will there be a 'anything that wants to be included in 
sarge, please upload within the next week' announcement?  (postgrey is a 
very simple package in terms of dependencies, so I can pretty much assume 
that a urgency=medium upload will actually progress to sarge after 5 days.)

-- vbi

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