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83 RC bugs closed/fixed in sid, but still present in Sarge


With some rude scripting, and afterwards careful hand-checking, I've
compiled a list with RC bugs that are closed because they are fixed in
sid, but the packge containing the fix didn't make sarge yet, hence the
bug is likely still present in Sarge. This implies that the bug wasn't
bogus (all of the below bugs were fixed by an upload), I also checked
that the bug was reported on a version of the package that *is* in
Sarge, so it wasn't introduced later in sid.

I'd suggest to reopen all these bugs and tag them sarge.

A note on the format of this list:
- the two dates are respectively the last-modification date of the bug,
  and the date that the current sarge version was replaced by a newer
  sid version (which thus as of present didn't make sarge yet)
- The two versions on the second line are respectively the version of
  the package currently in sarge, and the version on which this bug was
  reported (based on the "Version:" pseudo-header in the mail to
- The third line I used to note whether or not I personally verified
  that this bug indeed is yet unfixed in sarge (based on the fact that
  the version claiming to address the issue isn't in sarge yet, I didn't
  try to reproduce any of these bugs myself)

I have ignored all cases where in the past month a version of the
package made it to sarge, since I assume it is quite likely that by
natural way, als the new package will make sarge.

Based on this list, these package really need to make sarge, because
they have multiple bugs here:
- xfree86
- nagios
- mozilla
- abiword
- curl
- util-linux?

2003-12-15>2003-12-15 212303: panorama: panorama: FTBFS: _registerPlugin declared extern and later static
 - sarge=0.13.2-3.1 >= bug=0.13.2-3.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-11>2004-02-07 250809: nagios: uninstallable: conflicts with nagios(-text,..) which depends on it
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-05>2004-04-07 257315: mono: muine crashes with mono 0.97
 - sarge=0.30.2-1 >= bug=0.6.3-1
 - Status: Bug closed without reason given, unsure about presence in
2004-01-21>2003-12-11 218927: exult: FTBFS with g++ 3.3
 - sarge=1.00-2 >= bug=1.00-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-08-01>2002-10-17 262631: sysklogd: invoke-rc.d should be used
 - sarge=1.4.1-10 >= bug=1.4.1-10
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-11>2004-02-07 244333: nagios: nagios-plugins: Clobbers exisiting check_commands.cfg, very annoying
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-30>2004-02-07 235154: nagios: nagios-plugins: Update to fails with "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-26>2004-06-13 220061: gnome-pilot: libgnome-pilot2: Libraries contain undefined symbols
 - sarge=2.0.10-4 >= bug=2.0.10-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-15>2004-05-26 235873: mozilla: Mozilla eats bookmarks on ENOSPC
 - sarge=2:1.6-5 >= bug=2:1.0.0-0.woody.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-30>2004-02-07 237374: nagios: nagios-plugins: dpkg: error processing nagios-plugins
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-30>2004-03-18 129976: gtk-gnutella: gtk-gnutella isn't a Debian nativ package
 - sarge=0.92.final-1 >= bug=0.15-3
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-11>2004-05-30 258583: gnome-games: ace-of-penguins: AisleRiot could not load its deck images
 - sarge=1:2.4.3-3 >= bug=1.2-6
 - Status: 'new libgnomevfs2' must be in sarge for this to be fixed
2004-03-30>2004-02-07 237590: nagios: Configuration conflict when installing nagios-text and nagios-plugins at the same time
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-18>2002-10-17 260094: scilab: scilab: does not start
 - sarge=2.6-8 >= bug=2.6-8
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-21>2004-05-03 231823: mdadm: mdadm: mdrun fails with upstream kernels 2.6.2 and 2.6.3-rc1
 - sarge=1.4.0-3 >= bug=1.3.0-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-09>2004-06-17 254923: xfree86: xserver-xfree86: [keyboard] alt key not working when starting from display manager
 - sarge=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-05>2004-04-07 257128: mono: segfault when starting muine
 - sarge=0.30.2-1 >= bug=0.6.3-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-27>2004-06-04 248135: prestimel: prestimel: FTBFS and binary package uninstallable
 - sarge=1:1.0-2 >= bug=1:1.0-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-22>2004-04-22 242401: magnus: magnus_4.1.1-beta-6: FTBFS: error: uninitialized member..
 - sarge=4.1.1-beta-6 >= bug=4.1.1-beta-6
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-02-07>2004-02-07 226102: abiword: missing libenchant-dev builddep
 - sarge=2.0.1+cvs.2003.11.07-2.2 >= bug=2.0.1+cvs.2003.11.07-2.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-08-10>2003-08-10 197705: snacc: snacc: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone
 - sarge=1.3bbn-5 >= bug=1.3bbn-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-26>2004-05-26 249110: mozilla: mozilla-browser: Upgrade of Mozilla 2:1.5-3 to 2:1.6-5 fails
 - sarge=2:1.6-5 >= bug=2:1.5-3
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-27>2004-06-27 256410: gsumi: gsumi: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends
 - sarge=1.1.0-4 >= bug=1.1.0-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-14>2004-04-14 242211: gimp-dimage-color: gimp-dimage-color: Support for gimp 2.0 (which is now the default)
 - sarge=1.1.0-1 >= bug=1.1.0-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-10>2004-03-09 205313: sleuthkit: sleuthkit_1.61-4(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: `__NR__llseek' undeclared
 - sarge=1.61-4 >= bug=1.61-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-26>2004-05-26 249613: mozilla: Mozilla: Insecure temporary directory handling in update-mozilla-chrome could lead to (local) system compromise
 - sarge=2:1.6-5 >= bug=2:1.6-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-10-26>2003-10-26 201615: xnap: xnap: Cannot be run
 - sarge=2.5-pre1-1 >= bug=2.5-pre1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-01>2004-03-29 240716: camera: camera_0.8-2(powerpc/unstable): missing build-depends: gnustep-make
 - sarge=0.8-2 >= bug=0.8-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-06>2004-02-08 236420: gauche: gauche: Wrong RPATH in dynamic section
 - sarge=0.7.3-1 >= bug=0.7.3-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-09>2004-05-09 246623: koffice: kword: Uninstallable, needs rebuild against new imagemagick
 - sarge=1:1.3.0-2 >= bug=1:1.3.0-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-16>2004-06-16 247623: ale: ale: uninstalable in sid
 - sarge=0.5.1-1 >= bug=0.5.1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-02>2004-05-26 253123: mozilla: Mozilla hangs if any text or input field gets focus
 - sarge=2:1.6-5 >= bug=2:1.6-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-31>2002-10-17 237724: sysklogd: sysklogd log rotation requires /usr/share/doc/sysklogd to function
 - sarge=1.4.1-10 >= bug=1.4.1-10
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-08-28>2003-08-22 197225: freewrl: freewrl: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
 - sarge=0.29-1.1 >= bug=0.29-1.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-21>2004-06-21 255326: libgphoto2: libgphoto2-2: depends on the removed libexif9
 - sarge=2.1.4-5 >= bug=2.1.4-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-10-09>2003-10-03 202034: roxen: roxen: FTBFS: Obsolete Build-Depends
 - sarge=1.3.122-29 >= bug=1.3.122-29
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-30 256435: fbi: uninstallable: it depends on libexif9 (removed)
 - sarge=2.00-1 >= bug=2.00-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-13>2004-05-30 254138: gnome-games: gnome-games_2.6.1-5(i386/sid): FTBFS: missing build-depends: bzip2-dev??
 - sarge=1:2.4.3-3 >= bug=2.6.1-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-15>2004-05-14 245439: librmagick-ruby: FTBFS: ruby errors
 - sarge=1.3.2-2 >= bug=1.3.2-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-16>2004-06-16 249939: ale: ale: needs corrected Build-Depends
 - sarge=0.5.1-1 >= bug=0.5.1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252442: curl: wmweather has broken dependency
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=2.4.2-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-17>2004-04-17 241944: xsane: uninstallable in sid; 0.92-3 needs ftpmaster approval
 - sarge=0.92-2 >= bug=0.92-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 249447: curl: xserver-xfree86: Problem when upgrading from 4.3.0-7 to 4.3.0.dfsg.1-1 on Unstable
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0-7
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-25>2004-06-25 256047: devhelp: devhelp: Fails to run because of new Mozilla version
 - sarge=0.8.1-3 >= bug=0.8.1-3
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-30>2004-03-29 240548: kmatplot: kmatplot: can't fulfill the Recommends in unstable
 - sarge=0.4-5 >= bug=0.4-5
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-02-19>2004-02-07 231649: abiword: uninstallable: depends on not available libwpd7
 - sarge=2.0.1+cvs.2003.11.07-2.2 >= bug=2.0.1+cvs.2003.11.07-2.2
 - Status: VERIFIED: libwpd7 needs to get in sarge
2004-06-19>2004-06-01 248249: monodoc: monodoc-base: conflicts with normalize must be properly resolved
 - sarge=0.13-2 >= bug=0.13-2
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-01>2004-06-01 249949: tleenx2: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends
 - sarge=20040113-1 >= bug=20040113-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252754: curl: xserver-xfree86: package fails to install, dies in debconf with exit status of 127
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-07-01>2004-06-29 256954: cdebconf: frees wrong memory
 - sarge=0.65 >= bug=0.65
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-19>2004-03-18 244355: systemimager: systemimager-boot-i386-standard: parted segfaults
 - sarge=3.0.1-11 >= bug=3.0.1-11
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-22>2004-05-27 255656: gnome-applets: gnome-applets: all applets failed to start
 - sarge=2.4.2-6 >= bug=2.4.2-6
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-12-07>2003-10-25 216658: util-linux: getty: opens tty without checking if something else is there, killing keyboard input
 - sarge=2.12-3 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-06>2004-03-09 144062: scm: scm_5d4-3(hppa/unstable): build fails, wanting STACK_GROWS_UP defined
 - sarge=5d6-3.2 >= bug=5d4-3
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-01>2004-05-01 246662: xine-lib: xine-lib: XSA-2004-1 opening a malicious MRL an attacker can write arbitrary content to an arbitrary file the user has access to.
 - sarge=1-rc3c-1 >= bug=
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-22>2004-04-19 224363: imagemagick: package no longer contains libMagick.so.0!
 - sarge=5: >= bug=0.11.4-1
 - Status: Useless changelog entry: "These bugs are closed by the maintainer": Doh!
2004-06-15>2004-06-15 253264: seti-applet: seti-applet: un-installable (libgtop2)
 - sarge=2.1.3-6 >= bug=2.1.3-6
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252666: curl: /usr/bin/ogg123: error while loading libcurl
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=1.0.1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-12-07>2003-10-25 216567: util-linux: util-linux - miss /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh on s390
 - sarge=2.12-3 >= bug=2.12-3
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-04>2004-06-02 252367: curl: darcs: fails to build on i386
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=0.9.20-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-27>2004-05-30 242768: qt-x11: qt-x11_3:2.3.2-14: FTBFS: XFT_FILE and XftFont undeclared
 - sarge=3:2.3.2-14 >= bug=3:2.3.2-14
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252570: curl: xserver-xfree86: doesn't upgrade anymore
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-22>2004-06-22 240971: gconf: FTBFS: wildcard characters in dh_movefiles argument
 - sarge=1.0.9-5.1 >= bug=1.0.9-5.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 253172: curl: xserver-xfree86: Cannot install (preinst fails)
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-02-29>2004-02-29 234373: gibraltar-bootcd: mkinitrd-cd: A number of internal inconsistencies in paths and naming
 - sarge=0.29 >= bug=0.29
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-10-26>2003-10-26 213674: xnap: Does not build from source
 - sarge=2.5-pre1-1 >= bug=2.5-pre1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-27>2004-03-18 240377: flite: FTBFS: assignments to read-only members
 - sarge=1.2-release-1 >= bug=1.2-release-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252379: curl: xserver-xfree86: fails to reinstall
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-15>2004-06-15 254581: seti-applet: FTBFS: Could not make directory "/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/apps": Permission denied
 - sarge=2.1.3-6 >= bug=2.1.3-6
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-03-10>2004-02-29 232983: gibraltar-bootcd: gibraltar-bootcd: FTBFS: Cannot run i386-uclibc-gcc
 - sarge=0.29 >= bug=0.29
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252584: curl: xserver-xfree68 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4_i386 failed to preconfigure, with exit status 127
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-10>2004-05-09 248287: guikachu: guikachu: depends on experimental libgcc1
 - sarge=1.2.3-1 >= bug=1.2.3-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-12>2004-06-11 252189: wmfire: wmfire: please recompile for libgtop2-2
 - sarge=1.2.1-1 >= bug=1.2.1-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-30>2004-06-02 252589: curl: logjam is linked against libcurl.so.2 which is no longer in sid.
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.4.0-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-04>2004-06-02 252590: curl: libcurl2-dev: Missing dep on libidn11-dev
 - sarge=7.11.2-1 >= bug=4.4.0-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2003-01-17>2003-01-17 162891: distributed-net: distributed-net on alpha complains of missing libs
 - sarge=2.8015.46-10 >= bug=2.8015.46-10
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-05>2004-04-03 195291: logtrend-storageserver: logtrend-storageserver: setup fails with postgresql  7.3.2r1-6
 - sarge=0.82.2-1 >= bug=0.82.2-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2002-11-12>2002-11-12 161792: ucbmpeg-play: ucbmpeg-play: declares relation to illegal packagename
 - sarge=2.3p-10.1 >= bug=2.3p-10.1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-04>2004-06-04 252292: mozilla-thunderbird-locale-de: mozilla-thunderbird-locale-de: uninstallable because thunderbird 0.6 is in unstable
 - sarge=0.5-1 >= bug=0.5-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-02-26>2004-02-07 226995: nagios: nagios-mysql: check_nagios fails
 - sarge=2:1.1-11 >= bug=1.1-11
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-06-10>2004-06-10 253395: etoken: libetoken: Package uninstallable, needs to be rebuilt against libpcsclite1
 - sarge=0.3.9-1 >= bug=0.3.9-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-05-31>2004-05-31 251496: kinoplus: kinoplus: FTBFS: Wrong build dependency.
 - sarge=0.3.2-1 >= bug=0.3.2-1
 - Status: VERIFIED
2004-04-22>2004-04-19 224598: imagemagick: libmagick5.5.7 changes soname without a new package name
 - sarge=5: >= bug=0.11.4-1
 - Status: Useless changelog entry: "Closed by maintainer"


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jeroen@wolffelaar.nl (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

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