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[Cc'ed to herr release assistants]

Hi guys,

Your first assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to solve the
following bugs:

Neil Schemenauer
	 56472 [       ] zinf: Segfaults in Huffman code on PowerPC
	 80888 [  H  SU] Multiple buffer overflows in dnrd
	119851 [       ] missing /usr/lib/gap4/src/config.h
	143852 [       ] lsbdev: prevents rpm upgrade

Colin Watson
	 84493 [ +     ] failed to build from source
	104835 [       ] Build failure on hppa (at least)
	116149 [  HMR U] samhain loses the plot when run in daemon mode
	146103 [       ] FTBFS: Build failure of php3 on i386

Steve Langasek
	 92810 [       ] doc-rfc: license is not DFSG-free
	133563 [ +     ] FTBFS: Build failure of doc-rfc on i386
	143547 [  H    ] perl segfaults during configure stage
	144841 [       ] doesn't build on arm
	184302 [       ] sqsh_2.1-4(mipsel/unstable): out of date ...

Federico Di Gregorio
	 56713 [       ] dip: No cleanup after exit, duplicate route and ...
	105052 [       ] Build failure on hppa (at least)
	123306 [       ] ginaccint doesn't build from source
	143985 [ +     ] muse_0.5.2-1.1(hppa/unstable): links non-PIC code ...
	173240 [ +     ] nowebm: Insecure /tmp usage

James A Morrison
	 46709 [     S ] Mach lets processes write to I/O ports
	115325 [       ] xkbsel: fails to build from source (automake 1.5 ...
	143825 [P      ] xutils: why is rstart.real a conffile?
	147290 [ +     ] ldirectord: Wrong option (-R) on ldirectord script

"Solve" can mean many things. The best solution is a fixed package being
uploaded to the archive that satisfies the submitter, the maintainer,
and everyone else. Alternatively, it might be that it's a non-bug or
has already been fixed, and you can satisfy everyone that that's the
case. Another option is that the bug might be unfixable, and the package
may need to be removed from testing or unstable or both. In some cases
the bug may be specific to potato or woody. In some cases the submitter
might not be contactable to verify the problem's solved.

By this time next week, you should aim for each of the bugs under your
name to have moved forward as far as possible, ideally closed. If it's
not clear what the problem is, find out. If it's not clear what would fix
it, work it out. If the fix isn't entirely clear, spell it out. If it's
fixed upstream, point that out. Prepare a patch if there isn't already
one. Do an NMU if appropriate. You get the idea.

You might want to consider spending a few minutes looking at each bug now,
and, if necessary, ask for any more information that's needed from the
submitter, so that you have the information when you've got some more
time to spend on it later.

Once you've done as much as you're able for the week, make sure the bug
report includes all the up to date information, then reply to this mail
(to debian-release@lists.debian.org) with a brief summary of what's
happened and what the next step (if any) is.

If the above is just too easy, for extra credit you can take on some of
the other older bugs from the RC bug list. If you do, include those in
your mail next week. For the moment, feel free to punt on any bugs that
involve updates for potato or woody, or that involve licensing issues. If
you're not able to fix a bug, ask for help or do as much as you can,
then leave it; don't get in over your head, or, worse, upload an NMU
that's broken or doesn't completely fix the problem.

You probably want to subscribe to debian-release@lists.debian.org so you
get future messages in this vein, and may wish to join #debian-release
on irc.debian.org.

This concludes your mission brief. Should you be complained about by
regular maintainers, the administration will disavow all knowledge of
your actions. This message will be permanently archived.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

  ``Dear Anthony Towns: [...] Congratulations -- 
        you are now certified as a Red Hat Certified Engineer!''

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