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Re: Debian R 4.2.2 packages

>>>>> Dirk Eddelbuettel writes:

> On 7 November 2022 at 18:15, Andreas Tille wrote:
> | Am Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 04:02:13PM +0100 schrieb Kurt Hornik:
> | > > I admit if this issue is known upstream we can not really do much
> | > > from the Debian side, thought.
> | > 
> | > Thanks.  There is no way to manually override the non-regression to
> | > trigger the migration?

> There is, and you can find _numerous_ messages by Andreas in the archives of
> this mailing list doing just that because he had to to get things moving.

> I have been on record, without success, arguing that the autopkgtests for
> CRAN packages are (almost always) redundant and 'busy work'. However, in this
> case we can (as I usually suggest) go to the CRAN page

>    https://cran.r-project.org/package=slider

> and then the status page and see

>    https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_slider.html

> that CRAN itself reports errors on three platforms!  (And ignore the clang-15
> issues, that is just forward-looking to upcoming compilers; CRAN was on the
> gcc-10 changes before we were too.)
> | It would be possible to remove the two affected tests and I'm fine to do
> | so but I would love to hear the opinion of other, more knowledged team
> | members, than I am.

> My position is (generally) unchanged. I think we should remove or
> relax the autopkgtest requirement. But I do not expect to change any
> minds this time either.


I was about to raise this on behalf of the CRAN team: ideally, this
would be synced with the CRAN regular checks, and packages which
currently/already fail the Debian regular checks for r-release or
r-patched be excluded for possible regressions.

Btw, one more issue: it seems there is no active tracking of CRAN
archivals within the r-cran-* packages.  Currently running

lines <- system("apt-cache search r-cran- | grep ^r-cran-",
                intern = TRUE)
p <- sub(" .*", "", lines)
z <- tools::CRAN_package_db()
setdiff(p, paste0("r-cran-", tolower(z$Package)))


 [1] "r-cran-gregmisc"          "r-cran-amore"            
 [3] "r-cran-cgdsr"             "r-cran-conting"          
 [5] "r-cran-diagnosismed"      "r-cran-discriminer"      
 [7] "r-cran-epicalc"           "r-cran-ffield"           
 [9] "r-cran-fitcoach"          "r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz" 
[11] "r-cran-fts"               "r-cran-genabel"          
[13] "r-cran-genabel.data"      "r-cran-gmaps"            
[15] "r-cran-gwidgets"          "r-cran-gwidgetstcltk"    
[17] "r-cran-kedd"              "r-cran-lasso2"           
[19] "r-cran-manipulatewidgets" "r-cran-medadherence"     
[21] "r-cran-parsetools"        "r-cran-randomfields"     
[23] "r-cran-rcppmlpack"        "r-cran-rniftilib"        
[25] "r-cran-rook-examples"     "r-cran-sdmtools"         
[27] "r-cran-seroincidence"     "r-cran-sparql"           
[29] "r-cran-tcr"               "r-cran-testextra"        
[31] "r-cran-treescape"         "r-cran-unbalanced"       
[33] "r-cran-zelig"             "r-cran-zeligchoice"      
[35] "r-cran-zeligei"           "r-cran-zeligverse"       

Clearly, these should also not be part of any regression testing.


> But in this case it may be time to talk to the actual package maintainer.

> Dirk

> -- 
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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