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Re: Improve autodep8 for R packages

I looked into this once, and unless I mistaken then

  -- packages using (CRAN package) testthat do NOT allow running tests once
     the R package is installed (as they store tests in tests/ which does not

  -- packages using (CRAN package) RUnit do (as they store tests in
     inst/tests or inst/unitTests and everything below inst/ goes into the
     installed package

where when I say 'installed' I refer to R CMD INSTALL ... which is of course
also part of how we build the .dep.

Autotests would be cool.  AFAIK the R community does not (yet) support is
consistently enough.  Can you point to a r-cran-* package leaning on
r-cran-testthat that does?   I may have started my analysis with random /bad/
spot checks after all...

(There is certainly no use pattern in R land for testing once installed.
Testing while writing / submitting package is common but needs source.)


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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