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Re: Bug#1006685: kde-plasma-desktop: KDE does not display Emojis correctly

Hallo Max,

> I copied two files from Kubuntu's /etc/fonts/conf.avail/, 50-user.conf and
> 56-kubuntu-noto.conf and put them to Debian's /etc/fonts/conf.avail and
> ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/, respectively.
> Then I refreshed the fonts cache using `sudo fc-cache -fv`, just as you
> suggested. For everyone landing here: **It was crucial to relogin!**

So yes, re-logging in is probably necessary indeed.

I checked the two files, the 50-user.conf should not be necessary since
this is already present in Debian, too ... if it is missing on your
side, this is surprising.

Concerning 50-kubuntu-noto.conf, this does *a hell of a lot of things*
... if you are happy with the output, then all is fine. The part that it
does right is adding the Noto emoji font to the search list at the
front. (I personally found some interesting things concerning hinting
for CJK fonts, which - as I live in Japan - is of great interest!)

> Now I have working emoji support wherever I expect it. Thank you very much!

Well, if it works and all is fine with you, that is perfect!

All the best


PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research     +    IFMGA Guide     +    TU Wien    +    TeX Live
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