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Bug#1006685: kde-plasma-desktop: KDE does not display Emojis correctly

Hi Max,

> One can reproduce it by running `echo "Heart Face Emoji 🥰"` in Konsole
> or by opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaYoJziCgto in Fireofox or
> Konqueror. The emojis will be displayed only as blank rectangles.
> The problem does not occur on Ubuntu. It also does not occur when using
> Debian/Xfce and when using the Xfce-Terminal from within a Plasma

Qt has not auto-fallback, so this has to be activated for fontconfig.
I just tried it myself on Arch (I am running) and didn't see the emojis.
Then I did:
- install fonts-noto-emoji
- added configuration to /etc/fonts/local.conf (easily findable on the
  internet what is necessary)
And now emojis are properly shown in konsole, as well as other Qt based

> I tried to set a different font, but to no avail. Maybe I have not tried
> hard enough. However, I think Emojis should be displayed properly in the
> default configuration.

The problem is that:
- the default font you set is for text, and emojis are most likely not
  contained in the font you set
- the libraries in use need to deal with missing glyphs in the defined
  font, and there are several ways to do it. One is to display TOFU

This is not specific to KDE, but to fontconfig and how Debian handles
fallback fonts.



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research     +    IFMGA Guide     +    TU Wien    +    TeX Live
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