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Bug#962780: kaccounts-integration: [ABI break] 20.04 and 20.04.1 have renamed symbols and needs an upstream ABI bump

Hi Pino,

On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 12:01:32PM +0200, Pino Toscano wrote:
> In data giovedì 18 giugno 2020 12:51:59 CEST, Nicholas D Steeves ha scritto:
> > It just occurred to me that I thought we were waiting for upstream to
> > make a new release (now that would be ≥20.04.3), because from the
> > little I've learned about ABI updates "libkaccounts1" will also need
> > to be updated.  Is that supposition correct?
> I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.

I mean, do we upload libkaccounts1abi1, or wait for libkaccounts2 in a
future upstream release (probably 20.04.3 at this point), or cherry
pick the ABI break commit?

> For sure we will need to bump the SONAME of the libkaccounts library,
> because it is a public library and it had an ABI break. Ideally it
> should be done upstream, so we don't do it twice... assuming they
> answer.
> If upstream does not answer or does not care, we must apply our system,
> i.e. the ABI manager.

I did this (new SONAME is libkaccounts1abi1) at:

and I'd appreciate if it was merged, because I think it's important to
have proof in the repo that we (as a team) are working to unblock
issues that are preventing the latest stable upstream versions of
KDE/Plasma from being imported into Debian (a topic of a recent
debian-kde thread)

Upstream now has a fix waiting for a merge:


After that commit is officially merged I can cherry pick it as a quilt
patch and add the libkaccounts2 to my MR.

For future reference, after filing an upstream issue for an undeclared
ABI break, what is a reasonable amount of time to wait before doing a
foo1abi1 upload?  Assuming it takes one month for src:foo with
bin:foo1abi1 to clean NEW, it seems like two weeks would be the
cutoff, because otherwise we'd be closer to the next quarterly

Thanks again for taking the time to train me, and please let me know
if there's anything I need to fix.


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