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[Answer Call for Help] Some Patches from Downstream

Hi Debian Qt-KDE Team,

I just wanted to offer some help and suggestions for future releases of
KDE in Debian.
My name is Leszek Lesner and I am the main developer of Neptune which is
a Debian stable based distribution offering KDE SC.
We mainly package KDE SC packages from Kubuntu nowadays and provide our
own repository for it.
( http://www.zevenos.com/about/about-neptune/neptune-repositories
https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/ZevenOS-Neptune )

We added several patches mainly for kde-runtime to avoid some errors
with the usage of the latest phonon and pulseaudio restoring system
sound 100% when playing a notification ( see:
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324975 ) [Current Wheezy KDE
shouldn't be affected but Sid is (at least last time I tested before pa
and also a small bugfix for not showing all pulseaudio sound
configurations in systemsettings (in comparison to pavucontrol)
All our patches so far can be found here and will be updated:

Surely they maybe also be able to be backported to older versions.
I am afraid I cannot offer any more help though in packaging and other
stuff as I am involved in several other projects aswell already but I
hope that these patches (and perhaps future ones) might become helpful
to some extend.


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