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installing KIPI plugins with KDE default installation

Hi Debian/KDE maintainers,

when a machine is installed with Debian squeeze netinst cd with KDE as 
"alternative desktop environment", there's always the Gwenview package 
installed. Unfortunately, the KIPI plugins are not installed - but these are 
IMHO very important when I use Gwenview.

The necessary package would be "kipi-plugins".

When I install kipi-plugins manually, the following additional packages are 

enblend enfuse hugin hugin-data hugin-tools kipi-plugins kipi-plugins-common 
libboost-filesystem1.42.0 libboost-system1.42.0
  libboost-thread1.42.0 libcv4 libcvaux4 libdc1394-22 libglew1.5 libhighgui4 
libimage-exiftool-perl libkdcraw8 libksane0 libpano13-1
  libpano13-bin libplot2c2 libwxbase2.8-0 libwxgtk2.8-0

Kind regards,


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