Bug#407598: kmix: "messes" with mixer levels by default
Package: kmix
Version: 4:3.5.5-2
Severity: normal
By default, kmix setting "Restore volumes on login" is enabled. I
recognize that this might be useful in certain situations, but this
should be disabled by default. I believe this should be changed
upstream, but it should at least be changed in Debian, which uses ALSA
by default. ALSA already deals with mixer levels restoration through
alsactl [re]store and /etc/init.d/alsa-utils. Having kmix mess with this
by default means that the procedure documented in section "Storing mixer
levels" of /usr/share/doc/alsa-utils/README.Debian is not enough to
disable mixer levels storage.
It's also quite clear that the init script is best to handle this, as
shown by the following experiment:
1. Create 2 users
2. Login with user 1, set master to, say, 50%. Logout
3. Login with user 2, mute master. Logout
4. Save kmix config for both users.
Case A
1. Login with user 1.
2. Login with user 2.
Observe that master is mute.
Case B (restore kmix config saved at step 4)
1. Login with user 2.
2. Login with user 1.
Observe that master is set to 50%.
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