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Announcing the availability of first Qt 3.3 packages

Fellow users, fellow developers!

I am proud to announce the availability of official Qt 3.3 beta packages for 
the Debian GNU/Linux Distribution. The packages have version 3.3.2-0pre1 and 
have been uploaded to the experimental-archive some hours ago. As they contain 
new components (database plugins for InterBase/FireBird and SQLite), they 
need manual ftp-master approval. Until they hit the mirrors, you can fetch 
them by adding the following to your sources.list file:

deb http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/qt3.3/ ./

If you want to get the sources, you can additionally add the following:

deb-src http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/qt3.3/ ./

Developers, please test these packages heavily and report anything you see --
whether the packages work fine, whether they fix bugs you reported before, and
of course whether they rise new bugs. There are some minor things on my TODO; 
if these packages turn out to be okay, I will fix the mentioned minor bugs and 
upload 3.3.2-1 to the official unstable archive as soon as the -0pre1-packages 
made it into experimental.

  .''`.   Martin Loschwitz           Debian GNU/Linux developer
 : :'  :  madkiss@madkiss.org        madkiss@debian.org
 `. `'`   http://www.madkiss.org/    people.debian.org/~madkiss/
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux 3.0!  See http://www.debian.org/

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