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deprecate and move off using update-inetd?

Hi Debian-QA,

While working on a bug in a package that involved an update-inetd rathole(#24043) I got to thinking about it.

It's got some really old bugs and can't handle a bunch of cases we care about. There was the reconf-inetd effort
but that is marked obsolete with the explanation

"As of Feb 2014: With a dynamic init system in Debian finally being adopted, inetd is irrelevant, hence reconf-inetd too, so I mark this DEP as obsolete, since it's not worth the migration effort."

Now that systemd provides a simple way to do socket activated services, I think maybe we should stop automatically enabling things in maintainer scripts with update-inetd. People not using systemd or preferring other inet-superservers can still enable it for things they want. (1)

I guess update-inetd as a utility might still have some use, it doesn't necessarily need to go away, just the calling of it in maintainer scripts.

If I search for things still using it there is not much:


(NOTE: search is explicitly for --add, more stuff has postrm things cleaning it up since they dropped it).

Also there was this old thread about packages depending on update-inetd


TL;DR packages shouldn't depend on update-inetd but instead should depend on inet-superserver and packages that provide that will have the dependency.

apt-cache rdepends shows maybe 20-25 things that depend on it (that aren't themselves an inet-superserver). I have not reviewed those to see which already ship systemd files. I guess each of those would need one if they didn't already one, cleanup any --add's, and document things in changelog/NEWS. Next step would be reviewing these and mass bug filing, if people think this is a good idea.

NOTE: I am not (yet) advocating for getting rid of inetd in general, maybe some people still prefer it, hosts.allow/deny/etc. But we could eventually have that discussion if people want.

1. I suppose it might be possible to have a debhelper tool that knows about systemd and inetd and activates things accordingly but I have no idea how much demand there would be for such a thing.

Matt Taggart

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