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Bug#985404: qa.debian.org: Packages overview VCS field doesn't consider a debian/experimental branch

On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:47:02 +0100
Mattia Rizzolo <mattia@debian.org> wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 03:59:43PM +0100, Andreas Rönnquist wrote:
>> The VCS field on developer Packages overview doesn't seem to
>> consider a debian/experimental branch.  
>How would DDPO (actually, vcswatch is the component you are interested
>in) go about knowing that.
>> The Package overview shows Git - 4.4.5-2 (with the version in red as
>> if there's a problem with it) as if that is the latest in Git.  
>The problem is in your packages.
>The branch vcswatch is using the one pointed by HEAD.  If that doesn't
>contain the version it is expecting, that's marked as an error.
>In your case, you should be specifying the branch in Vcs-Git, using the
>-b flag, as documented in Policy.
>> I can see other packages that have experimental packaging in the
>> debian/master branch not showing this as a problem,  
>Yes, that's correct, because HEAD points to the branch containing the
>most up-to-date packaging.
>> or even those where
>> the experimental branch is called simply experimental (and not
>> debian/experimental) also not showing the version as problematic.  
>This sounds weird, do you have an example?

Ah, thanks. I was looking at python-cartopy but didn't notice that
there gbp.conf is also updated with proper branch info for each branch.
I guess that is why that package don't report a problem, and mine does.

Sorry for the noise, and thanks for the education! 


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