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Bug#966649: Request for feedback on upload_history re-implementation

Hi Asheesh,

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 11:21:55AM -0700, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> You noticed that the date column was an integer. That's fixed now; if you
> update from git, and if you delete upload_history.sqlite on your machine,
> and re-run the tool, the upload_history column will use a datetime for the
> date column. It won't do many HTTP queries, so it's peaceful to do that.

Thanks a lot for fixing this.

> (In case you're curious, the integer was "epoch time", seconds since Jan 1
> 1970.)

I assumed this was the case. ;-)

> More info here:
> https://github.com/paulproteus/debian-devel-changes-history-extractor/issues/5
> You noticed I'm storing message_id in the upload_history table. It's that I
> probably don't need that. I'll see if I can get rid of it. For now, my
> advice is to ignore it; I'll work on getting rid of it.

I'm fine with additional columns since these are not breaking existing
apps - provided these extra columns do not need a lot of disk space (as
in case of the full text of the changelog paragraph).
> You also noticed I'm storing the full changelog paragraph. I removed that a
> moment ago -- if you get a fresh copy from git, it should be gone. You're
> right that I was storing it for debugging reasons, and I don't need it in
> upload_history.

Great.  Thanks a lot.
> As for signed_by* -- working on it next.

Very cool.  I'll test soon.

The bad news is that I realised I'm using the uploaders table in way
more applications than I expected in the first place and it is joined to
several other tables in UDD.  So my final statement a simple sqlite
file is sufficient for the moment was a bit naive.  I have no idea
whether there is some sqlite2psql converter - but it would be really
great to have upload_history back in UDD in the near future.  But well,
the world will keep on turning round if you do not manage before
DebConf ends (the talk where I need the data for is at the last day
of DebConf).

Thanks a lot for your work in any case



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