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Re: Started porting UDD to Python3 (Was: [UDD] Is there some effort to port UDD to Python3?)

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 08:51:05PM +0200, Stéphane Blondon wrote:
> > And, ideally, somebody would contact whoever is providing that file so that
> > they re-encode it with utf8...
> Yes, it's the best long term solution.

Definitely.  But who is providing that file?
> >> `f = open(trfile, encoding='latin-1')`
> >>
> >> could be a (temporary?) solution.
> Andreas, it's possible that changing the encoding will fix the bug for
> some files but you will get new errors on other files (encoded in
> utf-8). Trying several encoding or using 'chardet' library could be a
> better workaround.

Would you mind providing a patch with chardet?

Kind regards



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