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DEP12: debian/upstream/metdata doesn't allow specifying the VCS branch

The debian/upstream/metadata file spec
(https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata) currently supports
a "Repository" field, but does not document a way of specifying what
branch in the repository the upstream sources are in.

This can be necessary when upstream e.g. has multiple release series
and the Debian package is tracking just one.

Would it be possible to allow specification of a branch? I can see two
possible ways of allowing this:

* Add a new "Branch" field in the YAML file that goes along with the
  Repository field. E.g.:

Repository: https://git.samba.org/samba.git
Branch: 4.7

* Allow specifying the branch in the Repository header somehow. This
  would be more consistent with what happens for e.g. the packaging
  metadata headers in debian/control. E.g.:

Repository: https://git.samba.org/samba.git -b 4.7


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@jelmer.uk>
PGP Key: https://www.jelmer.uk/D729A457.asc

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