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Re: vcswatch seems not up-to-date for pandoc

Re: Jonas Smedegaard 2014-06-24 <[🔎] 20140624164126.21806.49333@bastian.jones.dk>
> Hi,
> Cool addition of vcswatch to the QA page!
> I noticed what seems to be a bug - not biggie, but thought you might 
> want to know about it anyway:
> http://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=pandoc&poke=Scan+now 
> reports pandoc as having "UNRELEASED" as changelog, but both I and git 
> browser at https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/pandoc.git 
> disagree with that.

As said in the other mail, that was me believing "git clone --bare"
and "git fetch" would work, while git wants at least clone --mirror.

Re: Andreas Tille 2014-06-26 <[🔎] 20140626072443.GE7448@an3as.eu>
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 06:41:26PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Cool addition of vcswatch to the QA page!
> YES!!!
> I really like this.  May I ask where the data are drained from (sure
> I could try to find the code, but ... sorry for my lazyness)


vcsimport grabs the Sources files from unstable/experimental and feeds
them into PostgreSQL, and vcswatch will look for things in the
database that are due for scanning and calls git/svn/hg/darcs/cvs/mtn.

Fwiw, I've looked into arch aka tla support, but this stuff is so
weird it's unspeakable - plus all the remaining Vcs-Arch packages have
moved to git, just without an upload so far.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

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