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Bug#716699: PTS: dont ask to consider packaging a version which is already in experimental

<pabs> h01ger: should it be changed to 'please move version X from experimental to unstable'?

<pabs> I've always considered it a reminder to do that

* h01ger would prefer it to be quiet

<h01ger> that version is perfectly fine in experimental

* h01ger dislikes automatic todo entries where one cannot or doesnt want to do something about it

<h01ger> if you think munin 2.1.2-1 belongs to unstable, file a wishlist bug.

<h01ger> (you as in $you)

<h01ger> like it is, the PTS conveys the message that the munin maintainers are slacking, while we are not. (or maybe we are, but not in regards to 2.1.2-1)

<pabs> h01ger: is munin 2.1.2 a beta or dev version or something? what is holding it out of sid?

<pabs> if so I think the right answer is for the watch file in sid to not match dev versions

<h01ger> pabs, how is that relevant? (its a dev version)

<h01ger> http://sf.net/munin/ munin-([\d+\.]+)\.tar\.gz

<h01ger> is the content of the watch file (+version=3)

<h01ger> so currently (AIUI) it looks like i want to remove the watch file entirely

<taffit> http://sf.net/munin/ munin-(2\.0[\d+\.]+)\.tar\.gz would do

<h01ger> pfft

<pabs> http://sf.net/munin/ munin-(\d\.[02468]\.[\d+\.]+)\.tar\.gz

<h01ger> i rather remove it then maintain a useless file

<themill> I think we perhaps need to accept that all automated checks are going to occasionally going to offer up false positives and we accept that they are right 90% of the time and just learn to ignore them the other 10% of the time.

<jcristau> that would just make the watch file less useful

* h01ger thinks there is too much guessing involved

<h01ger> 2.1.2-1 is packaged

<jcristau> themill: the problem is when people don't realize their checks are wrong 50% of the time

<h01ger> so why claim its not

<themill> jcristau: 50%? really?

<jcristau> whatever

<jcristau> even 10% would be too much

<h01ger> i could live with the noise about "please move the package to unstable" but claiming 2.1.2-1 is not packaged and we should do our work, is plainly wrong

<taffit> indeed

<themill> h01ger: yeah, that check should use max-version not sid-version

<h01ger> (pabs, its a total guess that future stable releases will be 2.2 - they could also become 3.0 or munin 13.10)


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