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Re: Time for a new maintainer for Auctex?

>>>>>  AT == Andreas Tille [2009-8-19]

AT> Considering the facts presented above asking people for sending
AT> patches is a bit weak arguing (well not even so weak as the
AT> packaging work where we can not see a visible sign in the changelog
AT> since two years).

Dear Andreas,

actually I am not presenting any argument.

AT> I admit I'm a bit sick of people who force me to apply patches
AT> myself and build local packages if I want to use recent high popcon
AT> software like Emacs 23 who are not even be able to say sorry for not
AT> beeing active to potential helpers.

It is not my intent to force people.  If you feel so inclined, please do
a NMU.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean about "being active to
potential helpers".

AT> BTW, it's no shame to group maintain a package it's a way to face
AT> real live if you are busy with other stuff.

The package is comaintained, and qualified people are always welcome
(Frank Küster being the most prominent, looking to past history).

AT> Thanks for maintaining auctex since a long time anyway

You're welcome.

Ciao, Davide

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