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Re: Self-assessment of the quality of the maintenance work

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 07:32:01PM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> It could also be used to create a new "maintenance" facet in debtags.
> maint::orphaned, maint::active, maint::passive, maint::help-needed,
> maint::need-active-maint

I've been thinking about such a maintenance facet for quite a while, and
indeed it's one of the first thing that came to my mind when you posted
about the self-assessment.

I have been pondering about some self-assessment as well, to feed such a
facet.  My idea was mainly to allow maintainers to write in
debian/control whether they consider the package to be a "fringe"
package, or "dead-upstream".  "active"/"passive" maintenance is an
interesting concept that could be documented in the same place as well.

"help-needed" and "need-active-maint" probably wouldn't fit there, as it
isn't worth to make a new upload just to document that; also, they're
likely to be attributes on which the view of users or other developers
is probably more accurate than that of the maintainer.

I quite liked the idea of allowing to set such attributes in the control
file because, rather than looking like someone putting their nose on how
one maintains packages, they are a handy way to document the
maintainer's intentions with the package, providing a service to the
maintainer: for example, if I mark a package dead-upstream, then people
posting wishlist bugs will hopefully take that into account (and
reportbug may remind them about it).  People adopting a "fringe" package
for heavy production will have been warned and hopefully will do some
extra testing, and so on.

How about something like this?  It has the advantage of being fully
voluntary, of being a possible value added for the developer, and of not
feeling like you're busy doing your best and then someone shows up and
instead of offering help asks you to stop and spend time assessing



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